Monday, December 7, 2015

What is Right Here?

It's a rainy day here in Naples and I can't help but think about some of the areas local music. I'm awed by the talent here. Some people have no idea what has been here and what is currently here. For example mainstream punk act Against Me! is originally from Naples. Indie-punk band Fake Problems is from Naples. They were on a label called Side One Dummy which has world renown bands such as Flogging Molly and The Casualties. Even a metal band by the name of King Conquer, which is a successful world traveled act, is from right here. That's just naming a few.

The point here is that on almost any night of the week you can find some talented band or musician playing somewhere in town. Most of them have gone on to do some amazing things through music or other mediums. You would never know by walking into a random restaurant or venue that some of these musicians have played in front of hundreds sometimes thousands of people before. You would have never thought that same musician has played out of state and in some cases out of country. They have albums available through major music platforms like iTunes or Spotify. Some of these artists have written articles, been featured in magazines, played major festivals, won prestigious awards and collaborated with more famous, mainstream artists but you'd never know unless you took the time to really get to know who they are.

You know the Skunk Ape Research Center down towards Everglades City? If you walk in there and browse their wares you'll find some Gladezmen CDs along side a documentary about the owner of that very same research center. Guess who made the documentary? None other than Gator Nate Augustus of the Gladezmen. I'm sure you've run into him playing some where around town. You know, that tall guy with the big red beard and tattoos? That guy.

Did you know one of the members of Fake Problems has actually created kind of a creative community called Neapolitan Underground. They aim to stimulate the artistic community with concerts and youth outreach programs. They have things for everyone including writers, comedians, visual artists as well as educational lectures. Which means they are helping their community grow on a creative and cultural level. These programs should be recognized more.

Creatives in the area are a very giving people. They give to you every time you listen to their music, take a look at their art, taste their food or simply experiencing anything they have done creatively. These people have made a living from giving the gift of creativity to all those who are willing and sometimes unwilling. Reach out to some of these people, acts or organizations. Find out where they'll be and take some time to actually get to know them.  

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